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PedaranHong Kong Skyline Restitch - Dec 2007.jpg
Deutsch: Skyline von Hong Kong betrachtet vom Victoria Peak. Zusammengesetzt aus 78 Aufnahmen (26×3).
English: A 26 segment × 3 exposure (78 frames in total) panoramic view of the Hong Kong skyline taken from a path around Victoria Peak.
Français : Vue panoramique de Hong Kong depuis un sentier de Victoria Peak. Image construite en assemblant 78 clichés (26 visées × 3 expositions) réalisés avecun appareil Canon 5D et un objectif 85mm f/1.8 réglé sur f/5.6.
Summary:In using this image or any subsequent derivatives of it, you are required to release the image under the same license. As such, any reproduction of this image, in any medium, must appear with a copy of, or full URL of the license.Attribution of this image to the author (DAVID ILIFF) is also required, preferably in a prominent location near the image.No other conditions may be added to, or removed from this license without the permission of the author and copyright holder.Suggested attribution: "Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0"Please review the full license requirements carefully before using this image. If you would like to clarify the terms of the license or negotiate less restrictive commercial licensing outside of the bounds of GFDL/CC-BY-SA, please contact me by email, or if you don't have a Wikipedia account you can either leave a message on my talk page with your contact details and your request, or you can contact me on Facebook. Please also send a 'friend request' to ensure that I am aware of your message.
Versi lainnya
Older version with cooler colour balance
Image from nearly the same location, taken in 2008
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22.278156; 114.146855
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English: Panoramic view of the Hong Kong skyline taken from a path around Victoria Peak
Español: Vista panorámica del distrito central de Hong Kong desde la Cumbre Victoria.
Français : Vue panoramique de Hong Kong depuis un sentier de Victoria Peak. Image construite en assemblant 78 clichés (26 visées × 3 expositions) réalisés avec un appareil Canon 5D et un objectif 85mm f/1.8 réglé sur f/5.6.
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== Summary == {{Information |Description={{en|A 26 segment x 3 exposure (78 frames in total) panoramic view of the Hong Kong skyline taken from a path around Victoria Peak. Taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 85mm f/1.8 lens at f/5.6.}} {{de|Skyline von H
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