
Sapatu mangrupa sarampah anu dimaksudkeun pikeun ngaraksa tur méré rasa ngeunaheun pikeun suku manusa sabot pamakéna ngalakonan watara aktipitas. Sapatu ogé dipaké minangka barang dékorasi tur fésyen.
[édit]- And all the people inside looked at Karen’s red shoes, and all the figures gazed at them; when Karen knelt before the altar and put the golden goblet to her mouth, she thought only of the red shoes. It seemed to her as though they were swimming about in the goblet, and she forgot to sing the psalm, forgot to say the “Lord’s Prayer.”
Jeung sakumna jelema di jero nempokeun sapatu beureum Karen, tur kabéh jelema di dinya ngajeueung manéhna; sabot Karen nungkulan di hareupeun altar sabari nunda piala emas kana sungutna, manéhna ngan mikirkeun sapatu beureum. Keur manéhna api-apina sapatu-sapatu éta ngojay dina piala, jeung manéhna poho ngahaleuangkeun mazmur, poho ngocapkeun "Nun Ama di Sawarga”.
- Now every one came out of church, and the old lady stepped into her carriage. But just as Karen was lifting up her foot to get in too, the old soldier said: “Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!” and Karen could not help it, she was obliged to dance a few steps; and when she had once begun, her legs continued to dance. It seemed as if the shoes had got power over them. She danced round the church corner, for she could not stop; the coachman had to run after her and seize her. He lifted her into the carriage, but her feet continued to dance, so that she kicked the good old lady violently. At last they took off her shoes, and her legs were at rest.
Ayeuna unggal jelema kaluar ti garéja, jeung nini-nini kolot éta asup kana karétana. Tapi pas keur Karen ngangkat sukuna sangkan asup ogé, prajurit kolot éta nyaur: "Ahh, sapatu igel anu hadé!" nu matak Karen teu bisa nahanan anjeunna, manéhna kudu ngigel sababaraha léngkah; tur sabot anjeunna geus ngamimitian, sukuna teterusan ngigel. Sigana sapatu éta geus ngawasaan maranéhna. Manéhna ngigel di juru garéja, kusabab manéhna teu bisa eureun, kusir kudu ngudag tur néwak manéhna. Manéhna nyingkatkeunna kana karéta, tapi sukuna tutuluyan ngigel, nu matak manéhna najong nini-nini kolot anu bageur éta kalawan tarik. Pamustunganana maranéhna ngudar sapatuna, tur sapatuna bisa cicing.
- Now every one came out of church, and the old lady stepped into her carriage. But just as Karen was lifting up her foot to get in too, the old soldier said: “Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!” and Karen could not help it, she was obliged to dance a few steps; and when she had once begun, her legs continued to dance. It seemed as if the shoes had got power over them. She danced round the church corner, for she could not stop; the coachman had to run after her and seize her. He lifted her into the carriage, but her feet continued to dance, so that she kicked the good old lady violently. At last they took off her shoes, and her legs were at rest.
- I can’t concentrate in flats!
Urang teu bisa konséntrasi di apartemén!- Victoria Beckham, Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Cutatan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Diaksés 22 Januari 2013.
- I had no shoes, and I felt sorry for myself until I met a man who had no feet. I took his shoes. Now I feel better.
Kuring teu boga sapatu, tur kuring rumasa watir kana diri sorangan nepi kuring papanggih jeung saurang lalaki anu teu boga suku. Ku kuring pangnyokotkeun sapatuna. Ayeuna kuring rumasa leuwih hadé.- George Carlin, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? (Iraha Yésus Rék Mawa Daging Bagong?) (2004).
- You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes. Too many women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what is on her feet.
Anjeun moal bisa roroyalan teuing dina milih sapatu. Geus loba awéwé anu mikir yén sapatu téh teu penting, tatapi bukti nyaan ti awéwé anu élegan nyaéta naon anu aya dina sukuna.- Christian Dior Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Cutatan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Diaksés 22 Januari 2013.
- For want of a nail the shoe is lost, for want of a shoe the horse is lost, for want of a horse the rider is lost.
Kusabab mikahayang paku sapatuna leungit, kusabab mikahayang sapatu kudana leungit, kusabab mikahayang panumpakna leungit.- Papagon kacatur ti George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum (1651), #495.
- Who is worse shod, than the shoemaker's wife,
Saha nu leuwih goréng ti pamajikan tukang nyieun sapatu,
With shops full of shoes all her life?
Kalawan toko-toko pinuh sapatu salila hirupna?- Papagon kacatur ti John Heywood, Proverbs (1546), Pt. I, ch. 11.
- Bandingkeun jeung papagon anu leuwih anyar(?): "The cobbler's children wear no shoes." (Barudak tukang sapatu teu maraké sapatu.)
- I played in a new pair of shoes one day and they wore big blisters on my feet. The next day we came up short of players, a couple of men hurt and one missing. [...] I tried it with my old shoes on and just couldn't make it. He told me I'd have to play anyway, so I threw away the shoes and went to the outfield in my stockinged feet. [...] They picked it up and started calling me Shoeless Joe all around the league, and it stuck. I never played the outfield barefoot, and that was the only day I ever played in my stockinged feet, but it stuck with me.
Dina hiji poé kuring ulin sapoéeun maké sapatu anyar tur sapatu éta ngalepuh dina suku kuring. Isukna sapatu kuring geus teu weuteuh, nu hiji ruksak, anu hiji deui kalah leungit. [...] Kuring nyobaan maké sapatu heubeul kuring ngan asa teu ngarareunaheun. Sapatu nu nyésa ngomong ka kuring yén kuring kudu angger maén, tungtungna kuring miceun éta sapatu sabari indit ka tegalan sabari maké kos kaki. [...] Babaturan kuring mireungeuh sapatu heubeul kuring sabari ngalandi kuring Shoeless Joe di sakabéh pamaénan, anu matak kuring rumasa aral. Kuring can pernah maén bari nyékér, jeung poé éta mangrupa poé di mana kuring méngbal kur maké kos kaki wungkul, tapi matak kaingetan waé.- Shoeless Joe Jackson, This is the Truth! (Ieu nu Bener) (1949).
- The shoe that fits one person pinches another.
Sapatu nu cocog pikeun saurang nyiwit batur.- Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Jelema Modéren Néangan Jiwa) (1933).
- The most important thing to remember is that you can wear all the greatest clothes and all the greatest shoes, but you’ve got to have a good spirit on the inside. That’s what’s really going to make you look like you’re ready to rock the world.
Anu pangpentingna pikeun diinget nyaéta yén Anjeun bisa maké kabéh papakéan panghadéna tur sapatu anu panghadéna ogé, tatapi Anjeun kudu mibanda sumanget anu alus dina jiwa. Nu kitu anu nyaan bakal nyieun Anjeun katempo siap pikeun ngagoncangkeun dunya.- Alicia Keys, Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Cutatan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Diaksés 22 Januari 2013.
- We’ve been wearing heels for so long, we’ve gotten so used to them that we feel more comfortable wearing them when we’re going up on stage. It straightens our postures; it makes us feel more confident. It’s not comfortable, but we’re so adjusted now that it feels weird without them.
Kuring saréréa geus maké sapatu kelom geus rada lila, kuring saréréa geus ilahar makéna anu matak karasa ngarareunaheun pas naék kana panggung. Sapatu ieu ngaluruskeun postur arurang; ogé nyieun urang leuwih wantér. Mimitina mah émang teu ngeunaheun, tapi da ahirna mah biasa waé.
- Kwon Yuri, in Jaki Cho, "Interview: Girls Generation Talk Fame, K-Pop, and World Domination (Kasohoran Nyatur Girls Generation, K-Pop, jeung Dominasi Dunya)", Complex (12 November 2011).
- Shoes transform your body language and attitude. They lift you physically and emotionally.
Sapatu ngarobah basa awak tur sikep Anjeun. Aréta ngangkat Anjeun boh fisik tur émosional.- Christian Louboutin, Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Cutatan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Diaksés 22 Januari 2013.
- High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead.
Sapatu kelom ditimukeun ku saurang awéwé anu geus dicium dina tarangna.- Christopher Morley, Gaille, Brandon (July 23, 2013). "List of 38 Famous Fashion Quotes and Sayings" (Daptar 38 Cutatan tur Kocapan Fésyen Kasohor). Diaksés 15 Nopémber 2013.
- Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.
Béréan awéwé sapatu katuhu engké manéhna bakal nalukkeun donya.- Marilyn Monroe Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Cutatan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Diaksés 22 Januari 2013.
- I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!
Kuring teu apal saha anu nimukeun sapatu kelom, ngan kabéh awéwé boga hutang loba ka anjeunna!- Marilyn Monroe Gaille, Brandon (23 Juli 2013). "List of 38 Famous Fashion Quotes and Sayings" Daptar 38 Cutatan tur Kocapan Fésyen Kasohor). Diaksés 15 Nopémber 2013.
- If I’m going dancing, then I wear the highest heels with the shortest dress.
Lamun kuring rék ngigel, mangka kuring bakal maké sapatu kelom anu pangjangkungna jeung gaun anu pangpondokna.- Kate Moss Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Cutatan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Diaksés 22 Januari 2013.
- A Roman divorced from his wife, being highly blamed by his friends, who demanded, "Was she not chaste? Was she not fair? Was she not fruitful?" holding out his shoe, asked them whether it was not new and well made. "Yet," added he, "none of you can tell where it pinches me."
Saurang Romawi mirakkeun istrina, tuluy loba babaturanna anu nungtut "Apa manéhna geus teu suci? Apa manéhna teu adil? Apa manéhna mandul?" ngudar sapatuna, tumanya ka maranéhna apa éta teu weuteuh tur dijieun kalawan bener. "Namung," ceunah, "euweuh di antara maranéh nu apal di mana manéhna nyiwit kuring.- Plutarch, Lives (Hirup), "Aemilius Paulus", detik ka-29.
- “Make a general practice of wearing sandals, for a man is riding as it were when he wears sandals” (5230).
“Jieun hiji karesep pikeun maké sendal, kusabab lalaki numpak transportasi sabot manéhna maké sendal” (5230).- Sahih Muslim. Dicutat ti Ram Swarup, Understanding Islam through Hadis (Mikaharti Islam ngaliwatan Hadis), 1983. [1]
- You have brains in your head.
Anjeun boga uteuk dina sirah.
You have feet in your shoes.
Anjeun boga suku dina sapatu
You can steer yourself
Anjeun bisa ngarahkeun diri sorangan
any direction you choose.
ka arah mana waé anu dipilih.- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go! (Oh, Tempat anu Bakal ku Anjeun Dipisaba) (1990).
- The Stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes.
Skéma Stoikal pikeun nyumponan kahayang urang kalawan meulah kahayang urang, saperti meulah suku urang sabot urang mikahayang sapatu.- Jonathan Swift,Thoughts on Various Subjects from Miscellanies (Pamikiran ngeunaan Watara Subjék ti Miscellanies) (1711-1726).
- Buckle shoes, bow shoes,
Sapatu beubeur, sapatu busur,
Pretty pointy-toe shoes,
Sapatu tungtung seukeut nu alus,
Strappy, cappy low shoes;
Sapatu héndép tumali tur cappy;
Let's have some to try.- Frida Wolfe, Choosing Shoes (Milih Sapatu).
- Beauty is a pair of shoes that makes you wanna die.
Kageulisan nyaéta sapatu sajodo anu nyieun manéh hayang maot.- Frank Zappa, You Are What You Is (Anjeun nya ngan Anjeun), "Beauty Knows No Pain" (Kageulisan teu wanoh kana rasa nyeuri) (1981).